Biase Postal Codes is 542107 - 542112. This local government area is located in Cross River State, South South Geopolitical Zone of Nigeria. For more details on the list of ZIP codes or Postal codes in Biase LGA, find the code along with the area and location.
District List
Biase ZIP Codes
- Ehom
- Ehom542107
- Ehom Central542107
- Ekpri542107
- Etono I542107
- Idoma542107
- Iko542107
- Iwuru Obio542107
- Ntan542107
- Erei
- Abanwam542112
- Afono542112
- Edu542112
- Egbor542112
- Etana542112
- Ibini542112
- Ipene542112
- Obani Erei542112
- Umoubon542112
- Urugban542112
- Umon
- Abana542108
- Akpasip542108
- Aniyem542108
- Ayaba Oji542108
- Bechei542108
- Berekpe542108
- Biekpe542108
- Bikekpe542108
- Ekot Ewo542108
- Idung Itu542108
- Ikot Abasi542108
- Ikot Obisame542108
- Ikot Oboaama542108
- Ikot Ogbandem542108
- Ikot Ogun542108
- Ikot Okpora542108
- Ikot Utun542108
- Inu-ranu542108
- Utumua542108
- Egup-Ipa
- Abamba542109
- Abaribara542109
- Abini Ajijia542109
- Abrikang542109
- Adim Edodono542109
- Adim Obioko542109
- Agwaguna Egbe542109
- Agwaguna Emo542109
- Ahapai Adom542109
- Ahapia542109
- Akofbenyim542109
- Akparavuni542109
- Akpet Central542109
- Akpet I542109
- Akugom542109
- Aradang542109
- Asetoimo542109
- Asoke542109
- Ayimo542109
- Edodiesu542109
- Edodone Aboni542109
- Egip Urom542109
- Ekoho542109
- Epefime542109
- Esuikongo542109
- Etabi542109
- Ibenabang I542109
- Ibenabang II542109
- Igbadara542109
- Ijom Abayong542109
- Imasetbi542109
- Ina Missingo542109
- Itu Agwagune542109
- Okurike542109
- Ugbem542109
- Ukwop-Uyiere542109
- Umari542109
- Unoikengo542109
Postal Code
Cross River Other Codes