Edo State Postal Code is 300001 to 313111. The capital of this state is Benin city. This state located in South South Geopolitical Zone of Nigeria.
For more details on the list of ZIP codes or Postal codes for Edo State, find the code along with the local government area (LGA) or location.
Postcode | Location | LGA | Type |
300001 | G P O | Oredo | Facility |
300002 | Akpakpava | Oredo | Facility |
300003 | Ologbo | Orhionmwon | Facility |
300005 | Federal Secretariat | Ikpoba Okha | Facility |
301001 | Abudu | Orhionmwon | Facility |
301002 | Igbanke | Orhionmwon | Facility |
301003 | Ehor | Uhunmwonde | Facility |
302001 | Ugbowo | Egor | Facility |
310001 | Ekpoma | Esan West | Facility |
310002 | Ebelle | Igueben | Facility |
310003 | Ewohimi | Esan South East | Facility |
310004 | Igueben | Igueben | Facility |
310005 | Ewu | Esan Central | Facility |
310006 | Ambrose Alli University | Esan West | Facility |
311001 | Uromi | Esan North East | Facility |
311002 | Ubiaja | Esan North East | Facility |
311003 | Iruekpen | Esan West | Facility |
311004 | Irrua | Esan Central | Facility |
312001 | Auchi | Etsako West | Facility |
312002 | Uzairue | Etsako West | Facility |
312003 | Agenebode | Etsako West | Facility |
312004 | Agbede | Etsako West | Facility |
312005 | Igarra | Akoko-Edo | Facility |
312006 | Fugar | Etsako Central | Facility |
313001 | Afuze | Owan East | Facility |
313002 | Sabogida Ora | Owan West | Facility |
313003 | Sobe | Owan West | Facility |

Postcode by L.G.A
The list of Edo State Postal Code or ZIP Code by Local Government Area (LGA)
LGA | Postcode |
Akoko-Edo | 312114 - 312123 |
Egor | 300103 |
Esan Central | 310112 - 310120 |
Esan North-East | 311115 - 311116 |
Esan South-East | 311101 - 311114 |
Esan West | 310101 - 310108 |
Etsako Central | 312108 - 312113 |
Etsako East | 312107 |
Etsako West | 312101 - 312106 |
Igueben | 310109 - 310111 |
Ikpoba-Okha | 300104 - 300105 |
Oredo ★ | 300102 - 300283 |
Orhionmwon | 301101 - 301106 |
Ovia North-East | 302110 - 302121 |
Ovia South-West | 302101 - 302109 |
Owan East | 313101 - 313108 |
Owan West | 313109 - 313111 |
Uhunmwonde | 301107 - 301115 |
Post Office
Office | Address | City | LGA |
Benin | No.1 Airport Road, BeninCity | Benin | Oredo |
Akpakpava | No. 1, Akpakpava Road, Benin City | Benin | Oredo |
Ugbowo | Uselu-Lagos Road, Opposite Uniben, Benin City | Egor | Egor |
Ehor | Uhunmwode LG Community Hall, Ehor | Ehor | Uhunmwonde |
Ologbo | Akenzuwa II Road, Opp. Enogie Palace, Old Road, Ologbo | Ologbo | Ikpoba |
Abudu | 52, Old Benin-Lagos, Asaba Road | Abudu | Orhionwon |
Igbanke | Post Office Road, Igbanke | Igbanke | Orhionwon |
Sobe | Old Akure Road, Along Mission Road, Sobe | Sobe | Etsako West |
Okada | Mission Road by Estate Gate, Okada | Okada | Ovia North - East |
Ogida | Igbinaduwa Road, Off Siluko Road, Benin City | Benin | Egor |
Fed. Secretariat | Along Aduwawa Auchi Express Way | Benin | Ikpoba-okha |
Auchi Polytechnic | Inside Auchi Polytechnic Campus, Auchi | Auchi | Etsako West |
Sapele Rd | Benin/Sapele Road Benin City | Benin | Ikpoba Okha |
Auchi | 2, Otaru Road, GRA By Igarra Junction, Auchi | Auchi | Etsako West |
Agenebode | 1, Mission Road, Eguare, Agenebode | Agenebode | Etsako East |
Igarra | 5, Secretariat Road, Igarra | Igarra | Akoko - Edo |
Agbede | Royal Court Old Auchi Road, Agbede | Agbede | Etsako West |
Uzairue | 3, Old Elete Road, Jattu, Uzairue | Uzairue | Etsako West |
Fugar | Mike Ogiadomhe Road, Fugar | Fugar | Etsako Central |
Sabongida-Ora | 3 Commercial/Post Office Road | sabongida-ora | Ovia South - West |
Okpella | 24 Market Road, Okpella | Okpella | Etsako Central |
Afuze | 25, Afuze-Auchi Road, Opp Unity Bank Afuze | Afuze | Ovia South - West |
Iyakpi | Side of Central Mosque, Iyakpi | Auchi | Etsako West |
Ekpoma | 74, Royal Market Road, Opposite Royal Palace, Ekpoma | Ekpoma | Esan West |
Uromi | 2, Eguare Mission Road | Uromi | Esan North - East |
Ubiaja | 18 Central Road, GRA Commercial Road | Ubiaja | Esan South - East |
Irueekpen | 1, Round About Square Market Road Junction | Iruekpen | Esan West |
Irrua | 63 Benin/Auchi Express Road, Irrua | Irrua | Esan Central |
Ewu | 3 Royal Palace Market Road Eguare | Ewu | Esan Central |
Igueben | 2, Palace Junction Road/King Square Igueben | Igueben | Igueben |
Ebelle | 2, Royal Market Road/Palace Eguare | Ebelle | Igueben |
Ewohimi | 1 Eguare Road, Opp Palace Ewohimi | Ewohimi | Esan South - East |
Ambrose Alli University P.O | Inside A.A.U. Campus By Old Bus Stop | Ambrose | Esan West |