Akwa Ibom State Postal Codes is 520001 to 534206. Code number 520001 as the code for the NIPOST Headquarters. This State is located in South South Geopolitical Zone of Nigeria.
For more details on the list of ZIP codes or Postal codes in Akwa Ibom State, find the code along with the local government area, district and location.
Postcode | Location | LGA | Type |
520001 | GPO | Uyo | Facility |
520002 | Nwaniba | Uruan | Facility |
520003 | Uniuyo | Uyo | Facility |
520004 | Itu | Itu | Facility |
521001 | Obot Idim | Ibesikpo Asutan | Facility |
521003 | Okobo | Okobo | Facility |
522001 | Etinan | Etinan | Facility |
522002 | Mbiaso | Nsit Ubium | Facility |
522003 | Edeobom | Nsit Ubium | Facility |
522004 | College of Education | Nsit Ubium | Facility |
522005 | Ikot Akpan Abia | Nsit Ubium | Facility |
522006 | Ikot Ubo | Nsit Ubium | Facility |
522007 | Mbioto | Etinan | Facility |
522008 | Ikot Ekwere | Nsit Ubium | Facility |
523001 | Oron | Oron | Facility |
523002 | Oyubia | Urue-Offong/Oruko | Facility |
523004 | Maritime Academy | Oron | Facility |
524001 | Eket | Eket | Facility |
524002 | Enwang | Mbo | Facility |
524002 | Awa Iman | Onna | Facility |
530001 | Ikot Ekpene | Ikot Ekpene | Facility |
532001 | Abak | Abak | Facility |
534001 | Ikot Abasi | Ikot Abasi | Facility |
534002 | Ete | Ikot Abasi | Facility |

Postcode by LGA
- 532101 - 532105
- 534107 - 534206
- 524101 - 524104
- 524108 - 524109
- 530106 - 530113
- 532106 - 532109
- 522101 - 522103
- 524110
- 521109 - 521110
- 520114 - 520119
- 532110 - 532112
- 531101 - 531119
- 534101 - 534105
- 530101 - 530102
- 531101 - 531119
- 520108 - 520113
- 523113 - 534111
- 532xxx
- 521108
- 522104 - 522110
- 522104 - 522110
- 530103 - 530105
- 521101 - 521107
- 523119 - 524107
- 523101 - 523121
- 533106 - 533114
- 523105 - 523106
- 533101 - 533104
- 520105 - 520107
- 523107 - 523112
- Uyo ★520101 - 520104
Post Office
Office | Address | City | LGA |
Abak | 2 IKOT EKPENE ROAD, ABAK | Abak | Abak |
Awaiman | OLD GOVT. STATION ROAD, ONNA | Awaiman | Onna |
C O E | COLLEGE OF EDU. PREMISES | Etinan | Nsit Ibom |
Edeobom | EDEOBOM VILLAGE | Edeorom | Nsit Ibom |
Eket | EKET ORON RD, EKET | Eket | Eket |
Enwang | POLICE STATION ROAD, ENWANG | Enwang | Mbo |
Ete | IKOT ABASI ROAD | Ikot Abasi | Ikot Abasi |
Etinan | UYO ROAD ETINAN | Etinan | Etinan |
Fed. Seceratiat | FED. SECRETARIAT COMPLEX, UYO | Uyo | Uyo |
Ikot Ekwere | NUNG UDOE, IKOT UBO ROAD | Ikot Ekwere Lirilum | Nsit Ubium |
Ikot- Ekpene | HARLEY DRIVE IKOT EKPENE | Ikot- Ekpene | Ikot Ekpene |
Ikot-Abasi | IBEKWE ROAD, IKOT ABASI | Ikot-Abasi | Ikot Abasi |
Ikot-Akpan Abia | NUNG UDOE, IKOT UBO ROAD | Ikot-Akpan Abia | Nsit Ubium |
Ikot-Ubo | NUNG UDOE, IKOT UBO ROAD | Ikot-Ubo | Nsit Ubium |
Maritime | MARITIME ACADEMY, ORON | Eyo Abasi | Oron |
Mbiaso | AFAHA OFFONG ROAD, MBIASO | Mbiaso | Nsit Ibom |
Nwaniba | NWANIBA ROAD, NWANIBA URUAN | Nwaniba | Uruan |
Obot Idim | ETOI ROAD, OBOT IDIM | Obot Idim | Ibesikpo Asutan |
Okobo | KOBO L.G.A. HQTRS | Okobo | Okobo |
Oron | ORON ROAD | Oron | Oron |
Oyubia | PRIMARY SCHOOL OYUBIA | Oyubia | Urue-Offong/ Oruko |
Uniuyo | UNIUYO PREMISES, UYO | Uyo | Uyo |
Uyo | IBOM PLAZA (BY PASS) UYO | Uyo | Uyo |