Oron Postal Codes is 523101 to 523121. this Local Government Area is located in Akwa Ibom State, South South Geopolitical Zone of Nigeria.
For more details on the list of ZIP codes or Postal codes in Oron LGA, find the code along with the Area and location.
District | Postcode | LGA | State |
Afaha Okpo | 523101 | Oron | Akwa Ibom |
Eyo Abasi | 523120 | Oron | Akwa Ibom |
Eyotong | 523121 | Oron | Akwa Ibom |
Uya Oro | 523118 | Oron | Akwa Ibom |

Postal Code
Afaha Okpo
- Esin Ufot523101
- Esuk Oro523101
- Eyo Ekung Inyang523101
- Eyo Obiosio523101
- Udung Esien523101
- Udung Ulo523101
- Udung Usotaiudung Ekung523101
Eyo Abasi
- Akai - Ikon523120
- Udung Ekung523120
- Udung Ekung II523120
- Udung Osin523120
- Udung Uko523120
- Udung Usotai523120
- Uko Okwong523120
- Uko Uyokim523120
- Eyo - Esang - Obisung523121
- Eyo - Esio -Uwak523121
- Eyo - Okpo - Oyo523121
- Eyo - Orokra - Usuyak523121
- Eyo - Otong - Uwe523121
- Eyo - Oyete523121
- Udung - Obisung523121
Uya Oro
- Eyo - Atta523118
- Eyo - Esu523118
- Eyo - Ifang523118
- Eyo - Odiong523118
- Eyo - Okpo523118
- Eyo - Uya523118
- Udung - Okwong523118
- Udung - Uwe523118