Sokoto State postal codes is 840001 - 883101. Code number 840001 as the code for the NIPOST Headquarters. This state is located in North West Geopolitical Zone of Nigeria.
For more details on the list of ZIP codes or Postal codes for Sokoto State, find the code along with the local government area or location.
Postcode | Location | LGA | Type |
840001 | GPO | Sokoto South | Facility |
840002 | Marina | Sokoto South | Facility |
840003 | Federal Secretariat | Sokoto South | Facility |
840004 | Udus | Wamako | Facility |
842001 | Wurno | Wurno | Facility |
843001 | Gwadabawa | Gwadabawa | Facility |
843002 | Illela | Illela | Facility |
850001 | Tambawal | Tambuwal | Facility |
851001 | Shagari | Shagari | Facility |
851001 | Yabo | Yabo | Facility |
852001 | Bodinga | Bodinga | Facility |
883001 | Isa | Isa | Facility |

Postcode by LGA
- 853101
- 852101 - 852104
- 852106 - 852107
- 843102
- 842105
- 841102
- 843103
- 843101
- 883101
- 850105
- 841103 - 841107
- 842103 - 842104
- 842106
- 851103
- 853102
- 840101 - 840283
- 840101 - 840283
- 850101 - 850106
- 841101
- 852105
- 840102 - 840104
- 842101 - 842102
- 851101 - 851102
Post Office
Office | Address | City | LGA |
Bodinga | B/kebbi road Bodinga | Bodinga | Bodinga |
Fed Sec | Fed.Sec.Complex Kaduna Road | Sokoto | Sokoto South |
Gidan-Madi | Ahmadu Bello Way Gidan-Madi | Gidan-Madi | Kware |
Gwadalawa | Daji road Gwadalawa | Gwadalawa | Gawabawa |
Illela | Kwanni road Ulela | Illela | Illela |
Isa | Sokoto road Isa | Isa | Isa |
Marina | Modibo Adawa Road, Marina Sokoto | Sokoto | Sokoto South |
Shagari | LG Sectariate Shagari | Shagari | Shagari |
Sokoto | Maiduguri road Sokoto | Sokoto | Wamako |
Tambawal | Alero road Tambawal | Tambawal | Tambawal |
U/Danfodio Uni | University Community Sokoto | Sokoto | Sokoto North |
Wurno | Wurno Police Stn Rd Bakin Kasuwa | Wurno | Wurno |
Yabo | Sokoto road Opp.Gen, Hospital | Yabo | Yabo |