Boki Postal Codes is 551106 to 551111. This local government area is located in Cross River State, South South Geopolitical Zone of Nigeria. For more details on the list of ZIP codes or Postal codes in Boki LGA, find the code along with the area and location.
District List
Boki ZIP Codes
- Abawyum
- Abankang551110
- Abinti551110
- Akorofono551110
- Akumabal551110
- Alok551110
- Baggo551110
- Bassange551110
- Begga551110
- Edor551110
- Eleneber551110
- Emangbe551110
- Etikpe551110
- Kundere I551110
- Kundere II551110
- Manden551110
- Mkim551110
- Nkarasi II551110
- Nkatasi I551110
- Nketa551110
- Nkum551110
- Nlui551110
- Noutap551110
- Ogomogoim551110
- Uyrenkper551110
- Boje
- Owong551106
- Orimekpan II551106
- Orimekpan I551106
- Nsadop551106
- Kigbor551106
- Katabong551106
- Karu551106
- Kangyang II551106
- Kangyang I551106
- Kagbang551106
- Isobendeghe551106
- Ikang551106
- Igel551106
- Damere551106
- Buanchor551106
- Boje551106
- Bayobri551106
- Bayatung551106
- Bashua-Efore551106
- Bashua-Biakwen551106
- Bansan551106
- Ashikpe551106
- Abonorok551106
- Abo Takon551106
- Abo Ogbagbante551106
- Abo Obisu551106
- Abo Nkpang551106
- Abo Eme551106
- Abo Ebanm551106
- Abo Bonable551106
- Eastern Boki
- Ashishie551107
- Bakum551107
- Bamba551107
- Bateriko551107
- Beebo551107
- Botatong551107
- Bulkalum551107
- Bumaji551107
- Ofambe551107
- Okiro551107
- Okurison551107
- Okwa551107
- Okwabang551107
- Okwango551107
- Ubong-Atenkwu551107
- Wula551107
- Ababene Ngo551109
- Abayongho551109
- Abebene Nta551109
- Abenatek551109
- Abinti551109
- Adumatam551109
- Alesi551109
- Egbaja551109
- Egbanga551109
- Ejor551109
- Enyi-Evertop551109
- Enyi Nte551109
- Ezere551109
- Inijigo551109
- Memberokpa551109
- Mgbonege551109
- Ngidi551109
- Ngo551109
- Nirigom Nta551109
- Njemetop551109
- Nkapaya551109
- Nkrira551109
- Nkuambong551109
- Nkurofa551109
- Ntatin551109
- Nto551109
- Odo-Nta551109
- Ofafuk Nta551109
- Ofofadim Nta551109
- Ofokpan551109
- Ofonkpan Oyenche551109
- Ofonokpan-Egenga551109
- Ofonokpan Ejebajor551109
- Oikokoma Nta551109
- Okorogang551109
- Okorotung551109
- Okpodom551109
- Olakidung551109
- Otafuk-Nselle551109
- Otighidi-Uselle551109
- Oyenghe551109
- Oyenghe Agong551109
- Ukpada551109
- Ukpringi551109
- Utubia551109
- Osokom
- Abedebede551111
- Agba551111
- Ajirija551111
- Amandakureke551111
- Arongba551111
- Bansan551111
- Bawop I551111
- Bawop II551111
- Beleege551111
- Belegtte551111
- Borum551111
- Dishighua551111
- Eban551111
- Egbugbe551111
- Etimitim551111
- Iundara551111
- Kotele551111
- Nfom551111
- Njua-Bano551111
- Njua-Kaku551111
- Nkim551111
- Ntamante551111
- Ogep551111
- Oku Aro551111
- Oku Bushuyo551111
- Old Ikwete Ranch551111
- Oundi551111
- Ugbakoko551111
Postal Code
Cross River Other Codes