Ihite/Uboma Postal Codes is 472112 to 472124. This local government area is located in Imo State, South East Geopolitical Zone of Nigeria.
For more details on the list of ZIP codes or Postal codes in Ihite-Uboma LGA, find the code along with the district and location.
Postcode | Location | LGA | Type |
Abuke | 472119 | Ihite/Uboma | Imo |
Amainyi | 472121 | Ihite/Uboma | Imo |
Amakoha | 472112 | Ihite/Uboma | Imo |
Ato-Werem | 472116 | Ihite/Uboma | Imo |
Awuchi-Numo | 472122 | Ihite/Uboma | Imo |
Ezimba | 472123 | Ihite/Uboma | Imo |
Ikper Ejere | 472117 | Ihite/Uboma | Imo |
Onicha Uboma | 472124 | Ihite/Uboma | Imo |
Umue Zegwu | 472113 | Ihite/Uboma | Imo |
Umuihi | 472118 | Ihite/Uboma | Imo |
Umuona | 472120 | Ihite/Uboma | Imo |
Postal Code
- Abekenta472119
- Ibe472119
- Ndibinaihu472119
- Umuchie472119
- Umudibia472119
- Umudikengwu472119
- Umudikeorji472119
- Umuegwele472119
- Umuezeala472119
- Umuoparaodu472119
- Amokwe-Amorji472121
- Omulo472121
- Opara Amainyi472121
- Umuebeta472121
- Umunahihie472121
- Umuode472121
- Amuzu472112
- Ipinweke472112
- Nnacheru472112
- Umuahia472112
- Umuokoroezuka472112
- Umuonyeche472112
- Umuoye472112
- Elugwu472116
- Omuchienta472116
- Umuezea472116
- Umuezina472116
- Umulemaku472116
- Umuopi472116
- Amaikpa472122
- Ummudaku472122
- Umuamara472122
- Umuduebo472122
- Umuebonu472122
- Umunumu472122
- Umuokpoko472122
- Umuore I472122
- Umuori II472122
- Umuduroma472123
- Umuduru472123
- Umueze472123
- Umukoku472123
Ikper Ejere
- Umuanyaku472117
- Umudwu472117
- Umuehie472117
- Umuejere472117
- Umuezealaduzu472117
- Umuopara-Owerre472117
Onicha Uboma
- Umuezeke472124
- Umuopara472124
- Ehienahi472124
- Umuakpa472124
- Umudiim472124
Umue Zegwu
- Umuakpi472113
- Umudibia472113
- Umule-Umuhere472113
- Umuode472113
- Umuokparaka472113
- Dikenachieze472118
- Emekengwe472118
- Ikenafo472118
- Uhegbu472118
- Uhuanwuse472118
- Umudiaba472118
- Umuezeokwa472118
- Umuikpu472118
- Umunachiala472118
- Umunne472118
- Umuode472118
- Umuorisa472118
- Umuosocha472118
- Alaocha472120
- Eluama472120
- Ndiehuhu-Alaocha472120
- Ukwuobu472120
- Umuakugba472120
- Umudinagu472120
- Umuijerekwe472120
- Umunwaokafor472120