Idanre Postal Codes is 340107 - 340109 and Facility code is 340008. This town is located in Ondo State, South West Geopolitical Zone of Nigeria.
For more details on the list of ZIP codes or Postal codes in Idanre LGA, find the code along with the district or location.
Postcode | District / Location | LGA | State |
Alade | 340109 | Idanre | Ondo |
Idanre | 340008 | Idanre | Ondo |
Odoe Idanre | 340108 | Idanre | Ondo |
Owena | 340107 | Idanre | Ondo |

Postal Code
- Aboekan340109
- Akindana340109
- Aponmu-Lona340109
- Aseigbo340109
- Geberiwojo340109
- Ikako340109
- Imolumo-Iloro340109
- Ipinlerere340109
- Ipoba 1 & II340109
- Ipoba-Jomu340109
- Itaidorun340109
- Lafere340109
- Lokuta340109
- Meromi340109
- Oike-Anifor340109
- Owena-Ayetoro340109
- Sama340109
- Tejugbola340109
Odoe Idanre
- Abababubu340108
- Abalaka340108
- Ago-Joshua340108
- Ajagbusi340108
- Ajebamidele340108
- Ajegunle-Orunbato340108
- Ajipowo Cims &340108
- Akinmoji340108
- Ala-Elefosan340108
- Ala-Goke340108
- Ala-Omiliyan340108
- Aladura340108
- Anukansugba340108
- Apefon340108
- Arapa340108
- Aribigbola340108
- Arisin I & II340108
- Arun340108
- Atosin340108
- Ayede340108
- Ayefemi340108
- Baale Ojumu340108
- Bajare340108
- Daralode340108
- Eripose340108
- Fayomi340108
- Gbalegi340108
- Ido Oshinle340108
- Igbolowowa340108
- Ijama340108
- Iramuji-Agbaje340108
- Ironwon Igbatayo340108
- Irowo-Sasere340108
- Isan Jigbokin340108
- Isurin340108
- Itanarowa-Asoko340108
- Itogun-Adaja340108
- Iwonja340108
- Jingbe340108
- Labuwa340108
- Lisagba340108
- Loagbo340108
- Malan340108
- Meth. High School340108
- Obatedo-Bamotula340108
- Odeja Orts II340108
- Odeja340108
- Odele340108
- Odo-Ewu340108
- Odo-Orisa340108
- Ojadale340108
- Oke-Ala340108
- Okedo -Manare340108
- Omilade-Januyi340108
- Omilifon 1 & 2340108
- Opa-Omiolosun340108
- Owo340108
- Owomofewa340108
- Teniola340108
- Ubi 1 & II340108
- Ugbepo340108
- Apomu340107
- Elebiseghe340107
- Erijo340107
- Esale340107
- Farm Settlement Poun340107
- Jingbe340107
- Jonibola340107
- Ofosu340107
- Oke-Idanre340107
- Omifunfun340107
- Onisere340107