Makurdi LGA Postal Code is 970001 - 972281. This local government area is located in Benue State, North central Geopolitical Zone of Nigeria.
For more details on the list of ZIP codes or Postal codes for Makurdi LGA (State Capital), find the code along with the district and location.
District | Postcode |
Makurdi (Capital) | 970001 - 972281 |
Makurdi (Rural) | 970101 |

Makurdi (Capital)
- Army Barracks970212
- Eupi972261
- Eupi-New Layout972261
- Federal Housing Area970213
- Federal Low972281
- G.R.A970211
- General Hospital972221
- High Level Ass. Village970221
- Hudco Quarters970251
- Kokoroo972211
- Sabon Gari972251
- Unijos Campis970231
- Wadata970261
- Wurukum970222
Makurdi (Rural)
- Adaka970101
- Adeke970101
- Agam970101
- Agbadu970101
- Agbeshir970101
- Agenada970101
- Akaan970101
- Aki970101
- Akigwe970101
- Akpehe970101
- Akume970101
- Alla970101
- Anter970101
- Apir970101
- Arawa970101
- Azuu970101
- Beetseh970101
- Bogo970101
- Chekwar970101
- Eya970101
- Ibume970101
- Ikan970101
- Isuahba970101
- Iwa970101
- Kachi970101
- Kansihio970101
- Nyam Sando970101
- Nyirgir-Makurdi970101
- Ongbo970101
- Tatyough970101
- Toighor970101
- Tsuambu970101
- Tsuwa970101
- Tyodugh970101
- Tyonambe970101
- Ubebe970101
- Uve970101
- Wamkor970101
- Yaiko970101
- Zongo970101